Kathrin’s Nut Cake: the Perfect Holiday Treat

It’s nearing the end of 2011 but there’s still a few more days of holiday cheer coming our way. With all the cocktail parties, lunches, dinners and get togethers of the season, we find it hard to be creative when thinking of what to make when ringing in the New Year.  So, in order to make this Eve bright (and easy) I asked Kathrin to share with me the recipe for her famous (famous in my book, anyway) gluten free nut cake. It is the dessert I request most when Kathrin is cooking for me.  And, because it’s not a regular in the repertoire of American cooking it never ceases to surprise and delight.  I’ve included Kathrin’s recipe here. Try it and see if it isn’t just the perfect treat for your New Year’s entertaining. Have a happy, merry holiday season. Come and cook with us!

Surviving Holiday Cheer

We’ve reached the halfway point of the holiday season of 2011 and if your December has been anything like mine, New Year’s (with all of it’s resolutions) can’t come soon enough.  I’ve got nothing against reindeers, eggnog, and cheer, but this time of year always brings out the glutton in me and this year is no exception.  So today, in place of the chocolate post we’d planned, I’ve created a list of simple ways to stay healthy in the holidays.  Come and celebrate with us! Continue reading “Surviving Holiday Cheer”

Get some Pomegranates into Your Life

As you well know, at Come and Cook with Us we are all for speed and efficiency in the kitchen.  Why waste time when cooking if you can get a healthy meal to the kitchen quickly?  But as in everything else in life, there are exceptions to the rule; and, that extra time you need to prepare a dish – or a fruit – is worth every minute.  This week’s featured fruit, the pomegranate, is worth every extra moment you spend on it.  Continue reading “Get some Pomegranates into Your Life”

‘Tis the Season of Chestnuts

Unless you are one of our faithful readers from my hometown in Italy, chances are you have never heard of the fall tradition of Törggelen. It’s the time when people in my town visit the farmers’ houses to try the first wine of the season, eat some cured speck and, best of all, snack on the most delicious fresh roasted chestnuts. It is a true celebration of the fall, and those chestnuts, “na so eppes guats”.  In case you haven’t figured it out, chestnuts are one of my favorite treats. Continue reading “‘Tis the Season of Chestnuts”