Join the Trend of Food Upcycling

IMG_9467Did you know that we throw away a lot of food? According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the U.N., approximately 40% of food in the US goes to waste. Most of it ends up on landfills, costing us roughly $1.3 billion to dispose of (2008 EPA estimate). Considering that it takes seven to ten calories worth of energy input to produce one calorie of food, we’re throwing away so much more than food. And no, composting all this food isn’t the solution. Let’s try to reduce the amount of food waste we generate. Food ends up in the trash because it is spoiled, wilted, dented, past it’s Best By date, abundant or just not appealing. It’s this last part I will zero in on this week. A new food trend – Food Upcycling – is focusing on helping us to be more conscientious about what ends up not being used. As the name suggests, Upcycling is here to help us get more from what we buy. This week we share a few of the ideas on what you can do to turn those food scraps into something that is good for the earth, the wallet and, of course, the palate. Come and cook with us! Continue reading “Join the Trend of Food Upcycling”

Happy 4th of July!

IMG_6514Happy Independence Day from all of us to all of you. May this day be filled with laughter, joy and, of course, good food! Whether you are planning a vacation or a staycation, remember that good food does not have to be fancy, sophisticated or expensive. It can be simple, unpretentious and definitely tastes best when one is eating with friends. If you get stuck, know that we’re here to help so browse through our pages on the blog, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to get some ideas. You might just find the inspiration that you need!

Take care,


Cooking or Exercising? Ideally Both!

IMG_5056The conundrum on how we best spend our time continues. A recent meta data analysis determined that exercise is less important than diet if our goal is to lose weight. And as we at Come and Cook with Us aren’t really focused on eating to slim the waist, we want to point out that while regular exercise is really really good for our muscles, joints, heart, lungs, and mental wellbeing, we aren’t told often enough that making time for a home-cooked meal is just as important, if not more. We know it’s hard to fit it all in, but a little can go a long way so this summer we invite you all to try a few new habits. Come and cook with us!

Maybe there isn’t anyone getting rich by telling us this simple truth. Or maybe we are told, but with little impact given the competing multi-million dollar marketing budgets focused on getting us into the gym, dressed in our best athletic outfits and enticing us to follow each and every move with digital wearables like fitbit. Our public service announcement is pretty simple: Let’s try to find a healthy lifestyle that incorporates both exercise and nutritious food. Here are a few suggestions on how to implement it:

  • Keep it simple.
  • Start with one meal, like breakfast, if you feel overwhelmed.
  • Make it a family effort giving kids a role in choosing, shopping for and preparing the meal.
  • Always add a salad.
  • Switch out the ice cream for water melon, peaches, apricots, cherries and more fresh fruits that are in season right now.
  • Reach for the water and skip the soda.
  • Remember what your ideal plate looks like: 1/2 plate fresh produce, 1/4 whole grain and 1/4 protein.
  • Visit the farmers market and talk to the farmers.
  • Make it social by asking your friends for their go-to-recipes. You’ll have a wide repertoire of new ideas when fall comes around.

Regular exercise is indeed an excellent way to boost your mood and get in great shape. And so is cooking. This summer, spend a little less time letting other people tell you what will make you happy, healthy and wise, and instead listen to what your own body is telling you. Here’s to a good summer! Below are links to some of our favorite summer dishes that are easy to make and delicious to eat. Come and cook with us!

Greek Salad
Bircher Muesli and Refrigerated Oatmeal
Oven Baguette
Mediterranean Poached Chicken Salad
Lone Pine Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Fennel, Avocado and Orange Salad
Salad Dressings

From Drought to Table

7ad060f8bde111e2924b22000aaa05e0_7When it comes to food shopping – and meal choices – we have learned to base our decision on seasonal, local produce in all the colors of the rainbow. Well guess what, right now that might just not be good enough. If you live in California, or anywhere else in the United States, for that matter, we have to consider the impact that the current drought has on agriculture that currently consumes 80% of all the water used in the State. You’d be surprised how much water it takes to grow a slice of avocado, three tangerines or a bunch of grapes. Come and cook with us! Continue reading “From Drought to Table”

Wellness: From the Inside Out

IMG_0335When it comes to the blog, we most often focus on the How to cook. Sometimes, we also want to talk about the Why. Last week, I attended a wellness workshop held at The Hivery in Sausalito and conceived by Mill Valley’s very own Juice Girl, Melora Johnson. The panel included Dr. Josefa Rangel, an Integrative doctor with a practice in Marin, Jason Way, a Naturopathic Doctor in Mill Valley, and Clean Eat Nutrition, run by Eris Cushner and Sandrine Ghosh, two nutritionists. The interactive panel discussion offered ideas, recipes and information on promoting wellness from the inside out. Here are my key take-aways. Come and cook with us! Continue reading “Wellness: From the Inside Out”