Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder (of Celeriac)

If you were to go by looks, celeriac or celery root would never get a second thought (in fact, it might not even get a first one).  We are here to tell you: don’t be fooled by looks!  This delicious, healthy vegetable is easy to prepare, and is one of the few root vegetables whose flavor is light and refreshing. In my mother’s kitchen in northern Italy, celeriac is a staple that finds its way in many a dish.  For me it is the perfect reminder of home.  Come and cook with us! Continue reading “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder (of Celeriac)”

No Coffee, no Chocolate, no Pasta, no Life!

On New Year’s Day I made one resolution: to take three weeks and follow Michael Pollan’s credo “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants”.  I’d had a busy holiday season, and a somewhat sedentary summer and fall; needless to say, I was not in my best shape.  How difficult could it be? I write a blog on cooking healthy food, and work at a company whose mission is to help people eat more fruits and vegetables, so for me this is a way of life. Yet, a week into my reboot I understood three things: how far I’d strayed from my own core principles, how difficult it can be to continually live this way, and why I will do it regularly.  I want to share with you the biggest lessons I took from this experience.  Come and eat food, not too much, mostly plants with us!  Continue reading “No Coffee, no Chocolate, no Pasta, no Life!”

Let the Mighty Bell Pepper Ring

Did you know that a majority of the green bell peppers you buy in the store are actually unripe red, yellow, or orange bell peppers?  Interesting fact, as it explains why peppers get a bad rap.  In addition to having varieties that can get quite hot, peppers can also be difficult to clean, and for some people, hard to digest.  Fear not! We are here to help you make peppers a part of your regular meal plan.  Come and cook with us! Continue reading “Let the Mighty Bell Pepper Ring”

Why We Cook.

Kathrin and I sat down to discuss why we are dedicated to publishing this blog weekly and we realized that for us cooking is a culture, a ritual, and a process that we wouldn’t (couldn’t, shouldn’t) live without.  We started to wonder why that is, why we cook.  So, this week’s post explores some of the reasons we came up with for taking out those pots and pans daily.  We hope you agree, and if you are in need of inspiration you can find it here.  Let us know why you cook; we’d love to hear from you.  Come and cook with us! Continue reading “Why We Cook.”