Lebkuchen (Rye Holiday Cookies)

IMG_4990Take away the snow, take away the Christmas tree, but don’t expect me to celebrate the holidays without some Lebkuchen. They are one of the classic Austrian/German holiday cookies and a great crowd pleaser. In fact, they are my favorite. My mom’s recipe is short on ginger, but long on other spices such as allspice, cinnamon and ground cloves. And they are made of 100% rye flour.

1 1/4 cup rye flour
1/2 cup sugar
3 Tbsp honey
1 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
A pinch each of allspice, cinnamon, ground clover, ground ginger (optional)
1/2 cup chopped almonds

Mix all ingredients until well combined and rolled into a ball.
Cover and let stand for at least three hours or overnight in the fridge.
Preheat oven to 360 degrees F.
Knead dough again and roll to slightly less than 1/2 inch thickness. Use a little flour to avoid dough sticking to rolling pin and rolling surface.
Cut out cookies and bake on cookie sheet between 10 to 15 minutes. They can still be a little soft in the middle as they finish baking as they cool.

2 thoughts on “Lebkuchen (Rye Holiday Cookies)”

    1. Hi Toni. Sorry for late reply. We have limited wifi in the mountains here in Italy. Yes, first make sure to rest the dough in fridge, something I didn’t specify but is helpful and also better safety given the raw eggs.You will have to let it warm up a little before being able to roll it out. When rolling, use some flower on the rolling surface and the pin to avoid sticking. Also, use a a baking paper to avoid the cookies sticking to the cookie sheet. Let me know how it turns out and thank you so much for trying them. Hope it works out. Best regards, Kathri.

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