It’s a Kale Kale World

Up until recently kale was not a favorite vegetable of mine.  I’d walk by it in Whole Foods see its 1000-point ANDI score and cringe. 1000 points is high for just about anything, but for an ANDI score that means that kale (along with collard greens) is the healthiest item Whole Foods has to sell.  Period.  I didn’t like kale because it didn’t taste good.  It was fibrous and hard to chew.  And I didn’t really know how to cook it so I never wanted to prepare it; until, that is, I stumbled upon a few recipes that not only made kale edible, but also made it a feature vegetable in my home.  So today’s post is dedicated to the only vegetable I now make at least once a week every week of the year.  Kale. Continue reading “It’s a Kale Kale World”